12 presets that showcase the capabilities of Video and Shots

Pre-made combinations of widgets and animations that demonstrate creative ways Videos and Shots can be controlled and transformed on a page.

Readymag blog: 12 presets that showcase the capabilities of Video and Shots

Our design team has created a dozen new presets to simplify and speed up working with videos and Shots. They’ll be a great addition to the recently released animation, typography and UI presets.

To access the presets, press W in editing mode and go to the presets section at the bottom of the menu.


Default text controls offer standard playback with Play/Pause texts.


Default text controls

Custom text controls change both the position and content of the text for interaction.


Custom text controls

Lottie play controls allow smooth transitions, like a Play triangle turning into two vertical lines for Pause.


Lottie play controls

Hover on trigger starts playback when hovering over an animated button or object.


Hover on trigger

Scale on click lets users click on a small video to enlarge it.


Scale on click

Scale on scroll adjusts the video size as you scroll.


Scale on scroll


Hover over trigger allows you to use a slider to rotate the object.


Hover over trigger

Click on triggers allows you to start and pause playback by clicking on the text.


Click on triggers

Scroll 2 plays back the Shot as you scroll the page.


Scroll 2

Lookbook hover reacts to horizontal cursor movement and lets you rotate the object along the X-axis.


Lookbook hover

Scroll transparent back creates a pseudo-3D effect.


Scroll transparent back

Scroll with fixed position changes as you scroll, but the object remains in a fixed position on the screen.


Scroll with fixed position

If there’s something you’d like to ask about Presets, just drop us a line at support@readymag.com.