The best landing page tools made for designers

In this article, you'll find an in-depth look at the top tools for designing effective landing pages that drive traffic.

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For designers, creating a winning landing page can be an intimidating task. With so many different tools and resources available, it's hard to know which ones will best suit your needs. In this article, we'll provide an in-depth look at the top tools for designing effective landing pages that drive traffic.

What to look for in a landing page builder

The web builder you choose will greatly impact the quality of your work and what your processes look like. For some, rigid templates with minimal features may be enough to get the job done. But for others, these tools limit and can even suffocate their brand’s identity. Here are some features to look for when deciding which landing page builder you will work with.

  • Expansive visual toolset: Try and look for design tools that allow you to customize your page’s layout and see the final product as you work. In some cases, this might require some coding knowledge, but tools like Readymag make this much simpler. It’s a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) design tool, taking the mystery and guesswork out of formatting and design.
  • Easily integrate analytics: If you want an informed, data-driven view of your landing page’s success, web analytics, content management, and advertisement tracking will likely be high on your priority list. Forms and popups are great for engaging readers, and your ideal tool should make integrating these services with your landing page easy. Using ad metrics and engagement analytics will make further updating your landing page much easier.

Tools to supplement your landing page builder

  • Google Analytics & Tag Manager: These two invaluable tools allow you to view web analytics and page engagement. They also optimize your page with the best tags for search engines to help promote SEO.
  • Matomo: Matomo is an open-source web analytics platform that provides users with detailed insights into their website performance. It offers features such as visitor tracking, heatmaps, A/B testing, and more to help optimize the user experience and increase conversions.
  • Metapixel: Tracking your conversion rate from your site’s ads makes it easy to gauge the success of your advertising campaigns, it’s the perfect tool to have on hand for easy reporting.
  • Shopify: A powerful e-commerce tool for creating and maintaining online stores and POS systems.
  • Gumroad: Gumroad is an e-commerce platform that enables creators to easily sell their products online. It provides tools such as payment processing, marketing automation, and analytics so users can set up a store in minutes and start generating revenue from day one.
  • Youtube: The de-facto video-sharing site, easily integrating Youtube videos is likely essential for any aspiring web designer.
  • Lordicon: Have you ever wanted to animate with sleek custom icons? Lordicon adds a fun visual flair to your site with only a few simple design pieces.

A tool that plays well with other tools is a must for robust landing page design. Readymag effortlessly integrates with all of the tools below to help you get more out of the pages you create.

Putting together a toolkit to build high-performance landing pages

If there are tools and applications being used by other members of your team, you might start your search by limiting options to builders that are already compatible with what’s working for your team. This will make it easier for you during the design process, and makes collaboration easier, too.

As well, if you’re a beginner in the field, choose a tool that allows you to accomplish a variety of design goals. If your goals pivot, how easily will your tool allow you to accommodate your updated needs? Design work, more than anything else, is a process of exploration. Find yourself a tool that accommodates you and your creative expertise, supporting you in the design of a range of projects like online editorials, presentations, and more.

Readymag was designed with designers like you in mind just for these purposes. Your landing pages will come to life with robust animation, extraordinary layouts, and exciting interactive features that are sure to drop jaws. We promise we won’t tell anyone you didn’t use HTML5 to design it.