Easier client workflow: send projects with custom fonts right off

Recipients no longer need to upload the custom fonts manually.

Readymag blog_custom fonts hand-over

Transfer Readymag projects and project collections with the custom fonts they contain right off: recipients no longer need to upload the custom fonts manually. This update streamlines workflow for designers who create client projects in their accounts. Also, starting now you can align widgets to the center of the screen and new projects come with Scale layout enabled by default.

How to send a project with custom fonts

To transfer a project or a collection with its custom fonts, hover over its card in your Profile, click the … icon, and select Send. In the pop-up window, mark the checkbox to confirm that both you and the recipient have the designated font licenses.

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You can use this new feature on Freelancer plan (available at $22.5 per month) and higher.

Center widgets on the screen

Readymag blog_centering widgets

Align any single widget to the center of the screen — the controls in the Align panel now allows it. If you activate Snap (in the Grid&Guides with the ‘S’ shortcut), you can align any widget to the screen center using guides. If you select a group of widgets, enabling the same control will align the widgets in relation to each other.

Create projects with default Scale layout

By default, all new projects in Readymag now appear with Scale layout. This feature allows adapting projects to different screens automatically. You can disable it from the Grid&Guides panel or from project settings. There you can also limit the maximum width of scaling: enter the desired numeric value (between 1024px and 8400px) in the Scale Layout property.

Readymag blog_default scale layout

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