Product wrap up: features releases in the first half of 2022
New permission level for text editors, separate viewing settings for mobile & desktop, flexible Hotspot and even more.

In our 2022 mid-year wrap up, we will run you through changes to our viewer settings for Mobile and Desktop, Layout Locked mode, flexible Hotspot and default SSL for all projects. You’ll also notice a few small but important changes aimed to boost your workflow across the tool.
Leave composition unaffected while editing content

Update widgets without the risk of accidentally breaking your overall design by using the Layout locked mode: this permission level enables copywriters, marketers, business owners, and other non-designers to make changes safely. You can invite collaborators to work on your project in this role or switch to it yourself. Enabling Layout locked mode for yourself is possible on all Readymag plans. If you are on a Freelancer plan (available at $22.5 per month) or higher, you can invite collaborators to work in this role. Check our Help section for more details and give it a try!
Enable different viewer settings for mobile and desktop

Toggle navigation arrows, page counts, page menu and progressive images independently for the desktop, mobile and tablet layouts of your project — we’ve separated Viewer settings for the layout formats. For example, navigation arrows can be toggled on for the mobile version without being activated for desktop. This update is available for users on all plans.
Try flexible Hotspot for better UI in projects

Hotspot’s Tip element can be positioned independently of the Pin. The Tip (which can be text or image) is displayed when the Pin is activated (by click or hover). This update makes Hotspot great for pop-ups, burger menus and more complex UI elements. It is available for users on all plans.
Embed Radymag projects everywhere using iframe

With an iframe embed you can easily customize the structure of any existing website by seamlessly inserting Readymag projects. Whether it was made using Readymag, a different website builder or coded entirely from scratch. The feature is available for users on Business and Extra plans, as well as the archived Professional plan.
Get SSL by default

To meet tightening web security requirements, all new Readymag projects now get SSL certificates switched on by default. Older websites that have never had SSL receive them automatically as soon as their first new visitor arrives.
Make your content more accessible

Visually-impaired and blind users may use screen readers to surf the web. Alt tags help these apps read the content properly. Now, in addition to Picture, alt tags can be added to both the Slideshow and Shape widgets. The text limit has been doubled to 280 symbols. Project menus, sharing buttons and navigation arrows are now set with aria labels. Jump into our accessibility checklist to make sure you’re ready for a diverse audience.
Send projects with custom fonts right off

Transfer Readymag projects and project collections with the custom fonts they contain right off: recipients no longer need to upload the custom fonts manually. This update streamlines workflow for designers who create client projects in their accounts. You can use this new feature on a Freelancer plan and higher.
Upload video backgrounds directly to Readymag

Upload your background videos directly to Readymag instead of Youtube and Vimeo. Embedding videos hosted on these services to the background has stopped working due to their inner restriction policies.
Easily center widgets on the screen

Align any single widget to the center of the screen — the controls in the Align panel now allow it. If you activate Snap (in the Grid&Guides with the ‘S’ shortcut), you can align any widget to the screen center using guides. If you select a group of widgets, enabling the same control will align the widgets in relation to each other.
Create projects with default Scale layout

You don’t have to worry anymore about how your Readymag projects adapt to different screens. The Scale Layout is feature, which adjusts the designs to different devices sizes, is now activated by default.