A pack of text-related updates: paste without formatting, list styles, and more
Welcome text-related updates in Styles and editing, new shortcuts and minor issues fixes.

In this update, we significantly enriched the functionality of the Text widget. Find more details below.
— You can now find a List toggle in the Advanced Typography menu, allowing you to save list styles separate from text styles. By default, a list style is set to ‘Same as text’.
— You can change the order of styles in the Text Styles/Link Styles panel using drag-n-drop.
New shortcuts
— To copy/paste a style from one widget to another, use Cmd + Opt + C/V.
— To paste text without formatting, use Cmd + Shift + V (or Cmd + Option + Shift + V for Safari).
Text editing
— When you create a new text widget or link, it will automatically have the same font properties (font, font size, line height) as used before, instead of the standard default option.
— You don’t need to select text to change font settings for the whole block — just click anywhere in the widget.
— To change the selection color of the text, you no longer have to use custom code — use the Selection color toggle in the Advanced typography panel instead.

— Finally, we have fixed a number of issues with the behavior of the Text widget in different viewports.
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